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Help keep people active

Helping someone learn to swim, get gradually fitter or improve their lifestyle is a hugely rewarding experience. As part of our Places Leisure team, it will be part of your life every day. Whether you join us as a Swimming Teacher, a Personal Trainer or in an office role, you’ll work in a space where people active, enthusiastic and passionate about what they do. 

Key roles in Leisure

  • Swimming Teacher
  • Lifeguard
  • Fitness Instructor
  • Manager
  • Receptionist
  • Membership Coordinator

What we look for

If you’re taking on a coaching role, you’ll need to bring qualifications and experience. However, whatever your job, you’ll need to treat people honestly, courteously and fairly. We look for people who share our values: Supportive, Positive, Integrity, Respect, Innovative and Together. In other words, the Places for People SPIRIT.