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Our corporate governance is led by our group board.

Our objective is to build and maintain our reputation for reliability, integrity and transparency with all our stakeholders.

We engage with all stakeholders to ensure their interests are represented as part of the group’s decision-making processes, and that controls are in place to balance these interests. With all our stakeholders, our reputation for reliability, integrity and transparency is paramount. 

The board expects all group companies to operate fairly and properly, building strong relationships and maintaining a good reputation. We can’t please everyone equally all the time as decisions between often competing priorities have to be made. But we establish and follow good processes, and we listen and remain open with people about what we are doing and why.  

Ultimate authority for all aspects of our activities rests with the board, which also delegates the respective responsibilities of the group chairman and group chief executive. The board is responsible for setting strategies and policies for the whole group and coordinating the group’s activities, ensuring all policies, practices and behaviour are aligned with our group purpose.