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Key performance indicators

You might be a Customer of Places for People, Living Plus or Places for People Scotland depending on where you live or the type of service you receive. This report shows combined figures for Places for People, Living Plus and Places for People Scotland together.

In the past year (2022/23), we've been working hard to get our repair service back on track. We understand that it's been tough to get repairs done quickly, and we understand Customers’ frustrations. But here's the good news: we're making big changes to improve how we handle repairs. We want to diagnose them more accurately, make repairs faster, and keep you informed every step of the way.

Our transformation plan includes new systems and better connections in your local Community.

Next year, we will be introducing Tenant Satisfaction Measures. These measurements aim to hold housing providers accountable for the quality of housing and services they provide while giving Customers greater visibility of their performance against sector standards.

Customer satisfaction KPIs

This figures reported below show the combined figures for Places for
People, Living Plus and Places for People Scotland together.

All Areas

Customer Satisfaction 


Customer service requests

Average time to answer calls (minutes)


Average Live Chat response time (minutes)


Average response to emails (days)


Calls answered against calls received



Complaints that were fully upheld


Complaints received about repairs


Stage 1 complaints answered within timescale


Stage 2 complaints answered within timescale


Your tenancy and community

Through our Cost of Living Taskforce, we have supported over 6,600 Customers with money advice or vouchers for food and fuel. Last winter, we supported 40 warm spaces and a network of 114 foodbanks who provide essentials for Customers and Communities.

There are over 100 local and national projects available for Customers and Communities which cover themes including wellbeing, employment, training, getting online and financial inclusion.

We are here to support you during these challenging times. For more information please visit our Cost of Living page.

Rent arrears as a % of total rent due


Total losses from empty homes


Average days taken to re-let empty properties


Number of serious ASB cases managed


Serious ASB cases that were responded to within one working day


Tenants who were happy with the way their ASB cases were handled


Your home

Satisfaction with repairs and maintenance service


Investment in maintaining our homes


Repairs completed right first time


Routine repairs responded to in time


Homes with gas safety certificates


Communal areas with fire risk assessments


Planned investment in maintaining homes for 23/24


New homes built in 2022/23

New Homes Built Pie Chart

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